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I’d love to hear about YOUR transformational journey. About the things you’ve experienced along the way. About the challenges you’ve met and overcome — and how you overcame them. About the lessons you were able to first learn, then were able to apply in your life to create that change.

Most of all, I’d love to hear about the life that you’ve either created, or are in the process of creating; about the life you’re living and loving.

Finally, if you either read my book or worked with me, and something I said or did either resonated with you, or helped you in any way, I’d love to hear about that too. I might even put it on my “What Others Are Saying” page here on the website.

Of course, if you’d rather I didn’t share it with the world, you can simply share it with me. Just let me know that. I’ll certainly respect your privacy and your wishes.

I look forward to hearing from you and wish for you this one thing: that you transform the life you have, into the life you’ll love!

Learn More About Coaching With John

Free Self-Assessment:
Am I a Candidate for Coaching?

This assessment will determine where you are right now on the coaching-candidate continuum. In addition to finding out what type of coaching candidate you are, I’ll also send you helpful tips on ways to maximize your potential from where you are right now.