Coaching Programs

I understand where you are. Right now. And I understand where you want to go. You want to create – to build – the life you really want to have. Not a life that someone else has told you that you should have, but the life you truly want. You deserve that. You have right to it. It’s not hard. And no matter where you are now, or what you’re dealing with, there is a way to do that.




The Craft Method
Create The Life You REALLY Want!!

Power of Vision Workshop

Phase One: The Foundation

The whole point of The Foundation – and the rest of my stuff – can be summed up in one word: Results. To expand slightly – it’s for those who participate, to get the results that they want in their life. – John Craft

“The Foundation” is the first step to building and creating the life you truly want. In fact, it’s your personal introduction to that life. “The Foundation” itself is exactly what it sounds like – it’s what you’ll build everything else on and from.

The Craft Method consists of three different phases, or segments, of “stackable” concepts, ideas and practical activities that you’ll have and learn to put into place in your own life. The Foundation is the first phase of that – it’s where it all starts. The course itself consists of 8 sessions – two one-one-one sessions with me, and six group sessions. All sessions will last for 90 minutes. The group sessions will run over six consecutive weeks, on a specific day of the week, and at a specific time.

Each group – which I call a “cohort” – will be between five and eight participants. I do this to ensure that everyone gets the time and attention they need and want; and also, to ensure that each person in the cohort is able to have their voice heard. Since the coaching is interactive, this group size allows for enough interaction and different ideas, but not so much that it becomes overwhelming. You’ll have insights and epiphanies that are sparked by your fellow participants, not just by me.

“The Foundation” is not a passive-learning environment. It’s interactive and engaging. Meaning that there are a variety of different simple activities which will occur over the course of “The Foundation”, which are all designed to help you “set your own table” in building and creating your best life.

Interaction also means I don’t just “lecture”; I encourage, and frankly, I expect you to be active and engage with me and the rest of the group. We’ll meet over Zoom, where we all have our cameras on. This way everyone is both seen and heard.

There’s also a private Discord channel called “The Foundation” which you’ll have access to. This will be a place where you can post questions, thoughts and experiences you have that are related to what you’re learning, or have learned, during “The Foundation”, and also a place you can interact with other Foundation students and graduates.

There is no homework. I will encourage you to consider and give attention to, what you experience and learn during the course, but that, of course, is up to you. I’m not an “accountability partner.” I’ve always hated that term, because to me, it’s always sounded like an excuse for someone to just be nosy.

Here’s how I see it: It’s YOUR life. I already have a life I truly want; this is the initial stepping stone to you creating yours. If I have to be the “sheriff” of your life by holding you accountable for anything? You’re simply not ready, and this isn’t for you. At least not yet.

I say “not yet”, because people just know when they’ve had enough; it’s something you feel on the inside. They know when they’re ready to launch out of what has been, or what is, and into whatever is their next step. This is the next step. “The Foundation” is about you embracing your “next”, and about you giving yourself a personalized roadmap to build the life you really want. Even if now isn’t the time for your personal “launch”, it’s my bet that if you’ve read this far, that time isn’t far off.

I mentioned there are two individual sessions with you and I. During the first individual session, we’ll do a 90-minute introductory Zoom meeting before the group meetings start. The most important part of that meeting is starting to get comfortable with each other. It’s a place where you can ask any question you want. You can share with me what you want; what your objectives are; and also, where you’re feeling stuck.

It’s a place and time where you’ll have the opportunity to get an idea of what it’s like to work with me; how it feels to be in a coaching session and specifically, how it feels to be in a coaching session with me. The second individual session will take place after you’re gone through the six-week Foundation course. Together, we’ll work through and walk through your specific “next steps”; the things you need to do that are uniquely your own, so that you can take off from “The Foundation” at a dead run towards the life you truly want.

Which brings me to this point: I’m not a therapist. I’m not a counselor. I’m a guide. The difference is that while I’m a guide, yes, I walk beside you on your journey through this. I’m not so far out in front of you that you can’t see me, nor am I behind you, pushing you. I’m walking with you. And while everyone’s path is very different, there are also things that each of us who have walked this path of creating the lives we really want, have in common. I know the commonalities; I’ve been down the path on my own journey, and I’ve walked beside others on their journeys. That means I know the way – and I’ll walk beside you, too.

“The Foundation” is also the prerequisite for any and all other courses you may wish to work with me in. It’s the “must-do”; the baseline for both you and for me, as the subsequent courses of “The Mezzanine” and “The Penthouse” are both designed to “stack” on top of it.

Power of Vision Workshop

Phase Two: The Mezzanine

The Mezzanine is your next step, and is stackable on top of The Foundation. The mezzanine isn’t the first floor in a building, it’s an area that’s located between the ground floor and the first floor. Most people aren’t aware of what a mezzanine is, or what it’s used for.

For our purposes, and since it can be used for creative purposes, The Mezzanine is just that. It’s your personal, guided, dedicated, creative space; and that’s what you’ll be doing here. The Mezzanine is where you’ll begin creating the life you really want; where you’ll see it start to grow legs and become real. It’s your creative area. And when you’re in the Mezzanine phase, you’ll learn how to give attention to and consider two main things:

The first thing is how to dream. And how to dream big. You’ll also learn how to test your dream in order to make sure it’s the right dream for you. You’ll learn how to deal with the stumbling blocks as they arise, (and they will); and you’ll learn how to create the personal, practical actions you need, in order to create the life you truly want.

The second thing is that this is where you’ll learn the difference between your dream, and a personal vision. You’ll take that dream of yours – the one you’ve tested – and you’ll mold it into an actionable personal vision for the life you want to live.

This is NOT someone else’s life; or someone else’s idea of what your life should look like, – this is for your life. The life that when you wake up every morning, you leap out of bed and can’t wait to “carpe diem” — to seize the day — to see what it has to offer you.

But to “carpe diem”, you must first create. And anything that is, or ever has been, created, is created twice. We’ll talk about that during this course, about what it means, and about how to practically apply it to you, and to your life. Because this creation phase requires clarity, purpose, and a clear picture of what you truly want, this program will require a fair amount of work from you of putting together your pieces.

So yes, there will be homework.

The Mezzanine will consist of 10 weekly group sessions over Zoom and two individual sessions. As with the Foundation course, the two individual sessions will take place in the following way: the first will occur prior to the group sessions starting, and the second individual session will take place after the 10-week group sessions have been completed, and is designed to help you create and gain clarity on your personal “next steps.”

The Mezzanine is the pre-requisite for Phase Three: The Penthouse.

Phase Three: The Penthouse

The Penthouse suite is where everyone wants to go, right? And you don’t get to The Penthouse suite without having gotten results in another area. So the Penthouse is about measurable results. For you, and in your life.

The Penthouse is always the largest, the most spacious, and most original apartment in the building. It’s the most luxurious and the most exclusive. It’s the most attractive; has the most appeal for people. It’s the best. Well, guess what?

When you create the life you really want – and I mean the one you TRULY desire – you’ve had to generate results. That life? That’s YOUR penthouse; the results of your efforts. It’s your best.

It has the most amazing view. It’s got the value, the luxury, the exclusivity, the comfort, and everything else that you want. It’s personal to you. It’s not a “cookie-cutter” life; it’s custom-built by you, and for you.

To use a real-estate analogy, you’re the property developer. And your life is the “property” that you’re developing. You get to make it whatever and however you want it, from the blueprint to the structure, and everything in between. You get to make it whatever you want it to be. It’s NOT someone else’s life or their idea of a what a life for you should be.

No. It’s the life you have decided you want for you. It’s your custom-designed-and-custom-built life. A life where you’re the designer and the builder both. You’re the decorator. You’re the landscaper, the caterer, the caretaker. You’re all of it.

Just as The Mezzanine is stackable on top of The Foundation, The Penthouse is stackable onto The Mezzanine. It’s where the process of manifesting your vision begins. It’s the place that you learn the ways to make the vision you have for your life become your actual life.

To GIVE it life. To make it your reality. Where you’ll learn the concepts, principles, steps, and activities designed to allow you to manifest the life you really want; to make that life your reality.

Sound a little “woo-woo: or “out there?” It’s not. There are specific things you can do and specific things to not do, in order for your “dreams to come true”.

Know this. You most certainly have the power and ability to create that life you truly want; the one you’re dreaming of, for one reason. And that’s this: because you are greater than any circumstance or condition you’re facing now, or will ever face!

The large majority of people live their lives by default. Life happens to them and they become defined by their circumstances, situations, and conditions. Our approach to life is different. We live our lives with intention. We live them “on purpose”; and for a purpose. We call it “living life by design, not by default”.

This is where you make it real, and enjoy it.
The Penthouse will consist of 10 weekly group sessions over Zoom and two individual sessions. As with the previous two courses, the two individual sessions will take place in the following way: the first will occur prior to the group sessions starting, and the second individual session will take place after the 10-week group sessions have been completed, and is designed to help you create and gain clarity on your personal “next steps.”

Supplemental Coaching: Lost Summer – Navigating Loss & Grief

“Lost Summer: Navigating Loss and Grief” is a stand-alone program inspired by my personal loss and grief journey, and by my desire to help others get out from under the devastating weight of both.

I call it “Lost Summer” because I’ve literally – and unexpectedly – spent two full summers of my life caring for and losing two people who were both in hospice, and who were very close to me. The first was my first wife of 37 years and occurred in September of 2019. The second is my mother, who passed away on September 11, 2024. The title “Lost Summer” doesn’t refer to the time I lost, but rather, refers to the two people who lost their lives during summer; which was their favorite season of the year.

The curriculum is partially based on my book “Transforming Your Life After Loss – Finding Your Way To Peace, Joy And Happiness”, which I wrote in 2023 and published in January of 2024.

Everyone either has, or will, experience loss. Loss happens to us all, and learning how to deal with it, and its many aftereffects, including the debilitating grief it can bring, is a cornerstone for creating the life you really want.


Because a person can learn to dream, can study and practice visioning and manifestation, and even begin to experience positive life changes, but when a major, traumatic loss occurs, unless a person has already developed an unshakeable foundation and has a sound and proven methodology for dealing with it, loss can ruin lives. I’ve seen it.

And it almost ruined mine.

This program provides the way out. It teaches the same concepts, principles, steps, and activities I used – some I designed – to help people get themselves out of a place of loss and pain and into a place of recovery, restoration, and peace.

This program doesn’t teach an “ostrich-method” of dealing with loss…meaning how to put one’s head in the sand and ignore it. That doesn’t work. Instead, it’ll show you how to meet it all head on; how to deal with and overcome all the fear, anger, sadness, grief, depression and whatever else you feel after a major loss, and how to navigate those strong emotions and feelings.

Like my other coaching programs, “Lost Summer” will consist of 10 weekly group sessions over Zoom and two individual sessions. As with the previous two courses, the two individual sessions will take place in the following way: the first will occur prior to the groups sessions starting, and will be a time for you to tell me your story of loss, to ask questions, and to just get comfortable with taking about it again. The second individual session will take place after the 10-week group sessions have been completed, and is designed to help you create and gain clarity on your personal “next steps.”

There is no prerequisite for this course; however, it will be most helpful for those who have experienced a deep personal loss of some kind.

Know this…

There they are. The trifecta of true life transformation.

But as with any life-changing odyssey, and that’s what these programs are, there are a few things you should know up front. The primary thing is that by engaging here, you are deciding to live your life intentionally, instead of by default.

Rather than allow life to happen to you, you’re living your life by design. Your design.

There are a few things to be aware as you embark upon this path.

This Is A Growth Program And Is Your Personal Journey.

Power of Vision Workshop

I’ll listen and respond to your questions.

You’ll learn how to deal with stumbling blocks as they come up.
You’ll create a practical path forward based on what you want and need.

Free Self-Assessment:
Am I a Candidate for Coaching?

This assessment will determine where you are right now on the coaching-candidate continuum. In addition to finding out what type of coaching candidate you are, I’ll also send you helpful tips on ways to maximize your potential from where you are right now.

There Is A Spiritual Element To These Coaching Programs As Well

When true transformation occurs, there is always a spiritual element to it. Always.

That’s because humans are spiritual beings as well as physical beings, and true transformation is from the inside out; from the spiritual side to the physical side.

During these programs, you’ll have a chance to explore, or maybe even discover, that side of yourself. You can go as deep as you like, or you can stay as much on the surface as you desire. It’ll always be your choice. You’ll never be externally pressured about it. You may however, find yourself having conversations with yourself about it, and that’s great. That’s growth.

Speaking of growth — true growth never happens in a comfort zone. You may find yourself exploring things which may make you a bit uncomfortable. Don’t worry. That’s normal and we deal with it very early on by learning how to get comfortable being uncomfortable.

I’ll Close With This

I had a coach, and I still have coaches today, who helped me. Instead of my former life of confusion, chaos and pain, I now live a life of purpose, clarity and peace.

I created this life first, before I ever wrote a book, or started coaching others in how to do it. It was important to me to not just be a “teacher” but to be a “doer” first — then to become a resource to others. As a result, the life I’m living today, is a life that is fulfilled and is rich in every aspect — spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically and materially.

I have experienced, and continue to experience, true transformation in my life. You can too.

Oprah Winfrey said it best:

“The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams.”

Are you ready for your biggest adventure ever?